Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Night Of Matching Jammies!

Brailey thought it was so cool that she has jammies that were the same. She said one for her and one for Klaire. Brailey even decided to get Klaire ready for bed! Here are a few Pictures of the girls and of course with DADDY! I was a little on the bum looking side So I decided to just be the photo taker! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


Me Tag!
1. Sitting in front of the T.V, what is on the screen? Lifetime! :)
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing on the salad? Ranch
3. Whats one food you don't like? Soups
4. You go out to a restaurant, what kind of drink? Dr. Pepper
5. Where did you go to high school? Reedley High CA
6. What is one phrase you say all the time? "I'm Just Sayin"
7. If you were to collect anything what would it be? Shot Glasses!
8. What is a favorite type of sandwich? Turkey!
9. What would you eat everyday if you could? Ice Cream
10. What is a favorite meal? Ribs!
11. What would you never wear? Bikini
12. Favorite sports team? Not a sports fan
13. Who would you vote for? I don't vote. Not even registered
14. Best friend? Lindsy Hubbell
15. How many states have you lived in? 2 (california, utah)
16. Do you have any nervous habits? Biting my nails or biting my lip
17. What could you spend hours doing? Spending time with my 2 girls and Husband!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Perfect Life!

The girls are getting big and always getting smarter!

Brailey is taking dance again and seems to love it more every semester. She takes it more serious then most older kids do. She asks all week how many more sleeps till dance class? lol Such a Cute girl!
Klaire is talking up a storm! She can say 15+ works and can also sign 4 words. (MILK, MORE, BATH, BALL) She loves to learn just like Brailey did and that makes my life easier.

Britt and I are coming up on our 5 year wedding anniversary! SO EXCITING!

Here are some Pictures Of The Last Couple Months!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Fun!

Memorial weekend is a very busy time anywhere you go. Here where we live they line the street up with Flags to show their Thanks!

We have already done a lot of swimming this year. It’s the best way to get the girls worn out. They usually fall asleep right after so its MOMMY time! Here are a few Pictures of the Start of Summer!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brailey's Dance Recital!

Brailey's Dance Recital 2010

Brailey had her dance recital Last Night and she did a GREAT job! Here are some pictures! GOOD JOB BRAILEY WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Earth Day 2010!!

Earth Day Was Great! The girls had such a fun day. We Spent 7 Hours there and of course the girls were spoiled by fun and people to play with. Here are some pictures to enjoy! This is something Brailey will always remember!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter was great! We had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's. YUMMY! Then Had an Easter Egg hunt! Check out my New pictures!

Monday, March 22, 2010

St. Patricks Day and Hike!

St. Patricks Day was great. The parade this year was awesome and I got to see so many people. The weather was warm and the day was long. We started out at the parade and ended up at the Bit to play on the bounce house, slide, and see green JELL-O.

A few days before we went on a Hike called River Side Walk. That was Beautiful! And of course Klaire slept through the whole thing. There were a few waterfalls and the river was flowing from all the snow melting. It was perfect.
Britt Working At The Bit!

Brailey at the Parade!

Mommy and Klaire at the Parade!

Brailey and Klaire!

The Girls In Matching Outfits!

Britt and the Girls on our Hike!

The Girls On The Hike!

Brailey and Her Stick!